Shanghai Chess League
The Chess League meets every Monday evening at MAYA Mexican Restaurant, on Ju Lu Rd. Beginning roughly from 19:30.
Other chess activities in Shanghai:
Park Tavern Thursday Blitz
Every Thursday you can enjoy happy hour beers and a blitz tournament at The Park Tavern (840 Hengshan Lu, near Tianping Lu). Tournament starts at 8 pm sharp, registration ends at 7:50 pm. You are allowed to register late and take a half point bye if you show up after 7:50.
For more information, contact Freddy Ramirez on wechat: horuschina or email: frogan05@gmail. com
Fany Zhang Chinese/Foreigner Rapid tournaments
Fany participates in organizing 25 0 Saturday rapid tournaments twice a year, held in Pudong, that bring together Chinese and Foreign players from all over Shanghai. The tournaments are free to enter and usually have a cash prize for top players. Normally these tournaments attract between 50 and 80 participants.
Contact Fany Zhang for more information: 381537084 @ qq. com; WeChat: fany11 4198
Alex Karaivanov Tuesday Blitz tournaments
Alex organizes blitz tournaments at his Shanghai Expat Chess Club in Hongqiao once a month usually on a Tuesday. These tournaments have a small entry fee and a prize payout for the top 3 places and the best U1700 player. Tournaments run from 7:30-9:45 at 1000 Hongquan Rd., 4th floor, 413. Contact Alex Karaivanov for more information: karaivanov.alex@gmail. com; Wechat: Alex_Karaivanov